
The Amazingly Handsome Face Of 3 Egyptian Boys “Reborn” From A 2,000-Year-Old Mummy

The handsome faces of three Egyptian noble boys have been recreated by scientists thanks to special DNA analysis techniques from their mummies.

According to Live Science, they come from the ancient city of Abusir el Meleq in the floodplains of southern Egypt, where countless mummies were buried between 1380 BC and 425 AD.

3 handsome boys have been successfully “reborn” from 3 mummies over 2,000 years old – Photo: Parabon NanoLabs

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Tübingen (Germany) sequenced the DNA of the three mummies mentioned above in 2017 and it was the first time that the genome of a mummy has been reconstructed. create success.

Egyptian mummies. Illustration

3 mummies continue to be researched by Parabon NanoLabs, a DNA technology company in Virginia (USA). This time, they used decoded genetic data to create 3D models of faces, through a process called “forensic DNA phenotypic analysis”.

The process of reconstructing and refining faces based on heat maps – Photo: Parabon NanoLabs

As a result, 3 handsome faces of 3 Egyptian boys about 25 years old have just been introduced at the 32nd International Symposium on Human Identification, just held in Orlando, Florida (USA), according to New York Times. York Post.

The three boys have light brown skin, dark hair, and are genetically closer to the genetic makeup of modern Mediterranean or Middle Eastern individuals than modern Egyptians.

According to Dr. Ellen Greytak, director of bioinformatics at Parabon NanoLabs, the biggest challenge when working with ancient human DNA is that this DNA is often highly degraded and often gets mixed up with bacterial DNA.

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