Giant sea arowana 180 million years old ‘extremely rare’ found by archaeologists in the UK

In the United Kingdom’s tiniest county, paleontologists uncovered a significant discovery: the fossilized remains of a giant Jurassic marine creature. According to the Leicestershire ad Rtlad Wildlife Trst,…

El ADN intacto de una mujer de 7200 años revela un linaje humano desconocido

Los arqueólogos han descubierto los restos de un esqueleto de 7.200 años de antigüedad de una mujer cazadora-recolectora en Indonesia que tiene un “linaje humano distinto” nunca encontrado…


An egg from a newborn dinosaur that is thought to be 70 million years old has been found by scientists. They gave it the name Baby Yingliang in…

‘Extinct Fossil Fish’ Discovered Alive in Madagascar, Dating Back 420 Million Years

Unknowingly rediscovering a population of fish that predate dinosaurs, which many in the scientific world thought to be extinct, were a group of South African shark hunters. According…

Scary truth about the wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun

Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun ascended the throne from the age of 8-9 years old. Not long after, this Egyptian prince married his half-sister, Ankhesenamun. Tutankhamun was the king of…

Discover the ancient giant hippopotamus with sharp teeth: A thousand times as fierce as today’s hippopotamus

An extinct herbivore, this prehistoric hippopotamus lived from the Late Oligocene to the Miocene era. Hippos have long been regarded by scientists as being among the most fascinating…

Scientific Report Confirms an Alien Presence In Puerto Rico

Many of the unidentified objects and luminous anomalous phenomena originate in a zone south of the island of Vieques, coming out from or entering the sea. The object…

UFOs are piloted by humans from the future, that’s why they don’t make contact

Investigations related to aliens and UFOs have fostered different theories. However, there is one that, even the scientific community, has seen as possible… Could they be humans from…

Aliens from Andromeda told about the origin of mankind, said the ufologist

There are many assumptions about the number of alien species in the universe. Many ufologists, abductees, and even government officials claim to have seen so-called space brothers from…

25 Mile UFO existing on the Moon: Undisputed proof of Aliens

ALIEN hunters say they have spotted a 25 mile long UFO on the Moon, leading to claims of “undeniable proof” of extraterrestrial activity on our lunar satellite.A long,…

Astronomer Claims There Are Four Malicious Extraterrestrial Civilizations in the Milky Way

Very few movie or television aliens are friendly to humans. For every E.T. or ALF, there are dozens with predators, body snatchers, shape-shifters, Klingons and other space killers…

Scientists claim that people-like beings can exist throughout the entire universe

Imagine that future humans manage to travel to other worlds and find… more people. According to an astrobiologist at the University of Cambridge, this scenario may be more…