Webb Detects Blue Supergiant Star in Early Universe

The newly-discovered blue supergiant is much hotter than the Sun, and existed when the Universe was about 2.6 billion years old. Left panel shows the color composite image…

Astronomers Detect Excess of Young Stars in Sagittarius B1

Sagittarius B1, a region close to the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, hosts more than 100,000  solar masses of young stars. This image, taken with the HAWK-I…

The 3 meter-long, 150-million-year-old “Loch ness monster” remains found in the Moroccan River

The unexpected find at Kem Kem beach, also known as Morocco’s “monster river,” may alter the course of paleotology. Although numerous prehistoric fossils have been discovered in this…

A breakthrough in archaeology might change our understanding of the history of humanity

ARCHAEOLOGISTS discovered an 8,000-year-old prehistoric shell mound in Zhejiang, China, that has been tipped to rewrite the origins of human development in the area. The breakthrough was made…

2,000-year-old ancient metropolis known as “China’s Atlantis” discovered by divers 40 meters beneath lake

CHINA has a 2,000-year-old ancient city, which was compared to Plato’s fictional island when it was rediscovered 40 metres below the surface of a man-made waterway. Known as…

‘Hidden blocks’ of Egypt’s Great Pyramid exposed after ‘secret’ passageway explored

EGYPT’s Great Pyramid of Giza has a number of mysterious passageways, including one that was blocked off near the subterranean chamber and was “not meant to be seen”….

Mysterious discovery under the water in China will awaken your inner Indiana Jones

When the water levels were lowered in an eastern China reservoir due to a renovation project, no one was expecting to find a 600-year-old Buddha statue. A local…

Tumba de tronos: Tumba antigua de princesa infantil encontrada en Game Palace

Los trabajadores que restauraban un palacio gótico descubrieron el sarcófago de una niña de 5 años que fue enterrada allí hasta hace 800 años. Los arqueólogos estaban restaurando…

To find out what the stew from a 50,000-year-old bison tastes like, scientists sampled it.

Life gave a bunch of scientists in Alaska a frozen 50,000-year-old bison, and they decided to make dinner out of it. Blue Babe, the 50,000-Year-Old Bison, in all its…

200 ancient ‘giant’ skeletons unearthed in Cayuga, Canada

Five or six feet below the ground, were unearthed two hundred giant skeletons nearly all intact in their well conditions. Discoveries of the skeletons of a gigantic race…

Megalodon is much bigger, faster and more ferocious than we imagined

Researchers’ 3-D model of the extinct megashark reveals that it was more dangerous than previously thought. An artist’s reconstruction of Otodus megalodon predating on a species of Balaenoptera…

This extinct marine creature, which most likely existed in freshwater, is not the Loch Ness monster

Study provides more proof that freshwater plesiosaurs existed. However, they vanished before Loch Ness was created. An illustration of a leptocleidid plesiosaur, right, under attack by a spinosaurus…