
Two car-sized UFOs followed a US Navy warship and were unaffected by anti-drone weapons

A US Navy warship was stalked by two car-sized UFOs balls of light that were unaffected by anti-drone weapons.

Illustrative image.

The USS Kearsarge is the latest ship to have had an encounter with what is now called UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). According to documentary filmmaker Dave C. Beaty—who produced the 2019 film The Nimitz Encounters about the famous 2004 incident with the “Tic Tac” object—this latest sighting was reported just a few months ago, in October 2021.

At least two objects are said to have lurked near the 40,500-tonne amphibious assault ship for several nights as it conducted a training exercise off the US East Coast. The UFOs were described by sources familiar with the encounter as “balls of light” strange and threatening, which chased the boat for about half a mile staying at a height of about 200 feet above the ocean.

Beaty was contacted by a now-retired Navy officer identified only as “Mark.” This informant told him about the strange episode.

The USS Kearsarge had been undergoing training at the time prior to an overseas deployment—including systems designed to shoot down enemy drones.

The objects were detected at night by the deck watch, which was unable to obtain a thermal targeting lock on them. It is understood that staff recorded the incident on video, but this footage has not yet been released.

The personnel on deck were equipped with several anti-drone weapon systems, including portable electronic warfare devices for unmanned aerial systems (CUAS), such as the so-called “Ghostbusters” (because of its resemblance to the backpack of the protagonists of the film). Credit: USN.

US Navy Warship Was Followed By Two Car-Sized UFOs Unaffected By Anti-Drone Weapons

The Navy official said the marines on board initially believed the unexplained objects were part of a surprise training exercise for the new anti-drone weapons. However, they soon discovered that the countermeasures taken to disable them were ineffective and instead the UFOs reacted by performing unusual maneuvers while staying close to the ship.

Mark told Beaty that the USS Kearsarge radioed out a command about the objects and they were told: “they weren’t ours.”

Now, the documentary filmmaker is trying to dive deeper into the event to collect more data and make it known.

Source: NY Post

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