
2,400-year-old Nuclear Shelters – Ancient Bunkers Found In India

Another brilliant discovery made in the state of Bihar, India. It seems that 2 artificial caves have been located at a distance of around 22 miles from the town of Gaya.

According to researchers, 2,400 years ago, they were artificially developed.

Based on how precise the inscriptions on the cave walls are, we may assume that a form of Buddhist or Hindu once existed in those caves. The only feature about these caves that surprises researchers are the completely thick arches and how smooth the walls are, things that are incredibly well described for the period they are part of.

In the context of the past, we recognize, we must specify that the only reason will be the usage of a technology that we do not know. Otherwise, it would be almost difficult to believe that these systems might actually have been designed only using what we know now. In certain myths, these caves are seen as being constructed as a refuge for missiles, a type of fortress in the eminence of a nuclear war.

These hypotheses pose concerns of who may have been able to construct them and when the infrastructure was required, if there was a possibility of nuclear weapons at the period, or if these caves might possibly be constructed by ancient and remote cultures.

Published in Sanskrit, the epic of the Mahabharata is comprised of tales describing mysterious creatures that had advanced technologies in ancient India. In addition, Ramanaya makes a direct reference to a potential nuclear explosion in the 10,000 BC era. Simple proof that certain areas on Earth appear to have suffered from a nuclear blast is the intriguing location of Mohenjo Daro.


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