
There is a “lost city” deep in the ocean that is unlike any other place

The Lost City Hydrothermal Field, which was found by researchers in 2000 and is located more than 700 meters (2,300 feet) below the surface, is the ocean’s longest-lasting venting environment.

It is unique and has never been matched.

There's a 'Lost City' Deep in The Ocean, And It's a Place Unlike Anywhere Else

There’s a ‘Lost City’ Deep in The Ocean, And It’s a Place Unlike Anywhere Else

Close to the summit of an underwater mountain west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a jagged landscape of towers rises from the gloom.

There's a 'Lost City' Deep in The Ocean, And It's a Place Unlike Anywhere Else : ScienceAlert

Their creamy carbonate walls and columns appear ghostly blue in the light of a remotely operated vehicle sent to explore.

They range in height from tiny stacks the size of toadstools to a grand monolith standing 60 meters (nearly 200 feet) tall. This is the Lost City.

There’s a ‘Lost City’ Deep in The Ocean, And It’s a Place Unlike Anywhere Else

For at least 120,000 years and maybe longer, the upthrusting mantle in this part of the world has reacted with seawater to puff hydrogen, methane, and other dissolved gases out into the ocean.

In the cracks and crevices of the field’s vents, hydrocarbons feed novel microbial communities even without the presence of oxygen.

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Chimneys spewing gases as hot as 40 °C (104 °F) are home to an abundance of snails and crustaceans. Larger animals such as crabs, shrimp, sea urchins and eels are rare, but still present.

Despite the extreme nature of the environment, it appears to be teeming with life, and some researchers think it’s worth our attention and protection.

While other hydrothermal fields like this one probably exist elsewhere in the world’s oceans, this is the only one remotely operated vehicles have been able to find thus far.


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