
Excavations Under The Pigsty Took A Ten-Year Archaeological Team Found 186 Sets Of Remains

The first remains found was a skull with its mouth wide open like a man who had screamed to death.

Recent decades have recorded many excavations of ancient tombs in Shaanxi province, China – which was once the capital of many feudal dynasties. Thanks to the artifacts in the ancient tombs, the country’s history experts can connect the 5,000-year history of an entire nation.

Going back to Shaanxi province, in this province’s Fengxiang district there is a small village with a very strange piece of land. This land does not have a single plant growing, although around it, crops or weeds are growing very well.

The people living around here do not understand why, only know that this land has been like this since ancient times. People in the village often come to collect land to make foundations when they build houses.

A family of Trieu in the village wanted to build a pig house, so they came to this place, but when they dug it up, they found that the soil had a very different color from the surrounding area, and there were also large rocks.

The land when it was excavated (Source:

There happened to be an archaeological team going to the locality to survey, they heard the information through the stories of the people here, felt something unusual, so they immediately went to the survey site.

The results of the investigation surprised experts. Those rocks are not natural, but someone deliberately buried them, there must be a great construction underground.

Conducting surveys and exploration, experts found that the area of this great work could be as wide as two basketball courts.

The experts immediately reported the problem to their superiors, and after approval, in 1976, the official excavation work began. In this tomb they discovered more than 247 grave graves, experts are worried that this tomb has been stolen and the burial items are also taken away by grave robbers.

However, they were still determined to excavate the tomb. When digging to the second floor of the mausoleum, a member of the archaeological team discovered a skull with a large open mouth, at first glance like the remains of the dead in a position of screaming hoarseness.

Is this the body of a grave robber or the owner of the tomb?

Tomb area with the size of two basketball courts (Source: Sohu)

Not far from the skull, experts have dug up more than 20 sets of human remains, all of which are fragments, not placed in a coffin. The location of the corpse is also chaotic, this result makes the experts even more confused.

Continuing to conduct excavations, the number of bones found is increasing. They have counted the number of bodies in this mausoleum up to 186.

Who are the buried bodies?

After 10 years of non-stop research, experts have finally revealed the mystery of this mausoleum.

The tomb has 3 steps, from 2 to 6 meters wide. The financial coffin is located in the middle of the mausoleum, about 16 meters long and 8 meters wide, when viewed from above it looks like an inverted pyramid. So it is also known by the Chinese people as the “Inverted Pyramid of the East”.

Number of artifacts unearthed in the tomb area (Source: Kknews)

In the tomb, experts have found more than 3,000 cultural relics. Through the process of studying the number of artifacts unearthed, the tomb was determined to belong to Qin Mu Cong – the 14th king of the Qin state in Chinese history.

Scattered remains were found of those who were euthanized according to the owner of the grave. During the Qin Dynasty, people believed that everything that died was a living thing.

When people die, they will start a new life, so if they want to live happily after death, they will bury them with the living to continue serving them when they go to the afterlife. This custom was very popular among royalty and feudal aristocrats.

King of China. Illustration

In particular, research shows that some of the remains in Qin Mugong’s tomb contain poison in the body. The reason is also clearly stated: Those who do not comply with the funeral will be forced to drink poison, causing people to die in pain.


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