
Strange Photos With a Priest Levitating

The example of San José de Cupertino is undeniably the first, owing to the remarkable character of this manifestation. –Catholicism regards levitation as an extraordinary phenomenon that consists of a body rising above the earth and remaining in the air without natural support.

When the body appears to move without touching the ground, it is referred to as rising ecstasy or an ecstatic gait in Catholic mysticism. Testimonies of some cases of levitation in the history of Christianity are highlighted in the Bolandists’ studies: So José de Cupertino, So Francisco de Assis, So Tomás de Aquino, So Pio de Pietrelcina, So Martinho de Porre, Santo Afonso de Ligório, Santa Catarina de Senna, So Filipe Neri, So Pedro de Alcântara, So Francisco Xavier

The original photograph is on display as a tribute to Fr. Giovanni Sala.

The example of San José de Cupertino is undeniably the first, owing to the remarkable character of this manifestation.

The Church interpreted this phenomenon as a manifestation of the gift of agility that is unique to magnificent bodies. In most cases, mystical levitation is verified while the patient is in ecstasy, and if the body rises slightly, it is referred to as ascension ecstasy; if it rises significantly, it is referred to as an ecstatic flight; and if you begin walking quickly off the ground but without touching it, it is referred to as ecstatic walking.

The priest in the photograph is a Jesuit priest named Fr. Giovanni Sala, and the photograph is genuine. Fr. Giovanni Sala, SJ, was a student of Bernard Lonergan, a translator of Lonergan’s writings into Italian and German, and a world-class Kant scholar until his death. His texts below have been translated into English with the assistance of members of Washington, DC’s Lonergan Institute for the ‘Good Under Construction.’

Something similar was also recorded in Russia.


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