
Arcturian Aliens: Earth Watchers and Defenders

The Great Arcturians are known as the smartest beings in our universe. They are so smart that their ships are on a whole other level than what we can even imagine.

They are so evolved both technologically and physically that they can easily transcend from the 4th and 5th dimension all the way back to the 3rd with relative ease, making them the strongest beings we’ve ever encountered.

Luckily, however, the Arcturians are not violent beings, quite the contrary. All that they wish from humanity is that we transcend with them, that we allow our consciousness to evolve past its primitive state and that we can accompany them into the other dimensions.

They are the best healers that the world has ever seen and they’re originally coming from a blue planet that orbits the red giant star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation.

This star is around 36 light-years away and as we know by now, NASA has already agreed on the fact that it’s the most likely star to contain life forms in our universe.

The Arcturians are not even physical beings, they are so evolved that they’re considered cosmic entities at this point.

They patiently watch over Earth, protecting us against the Tall Greys and the Reptilians. Even the Draconians don’t mess with them.


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