
3,000 priceless swords are Keeping An “Impenetrable” Underwater Tomb Safe

King Qin Shi Huang sent troops to prepare to go to the grave to rob the treasure, but failed because he could not find the entrance, so he had to return regretfully in the end.

China has an ancient profession, which is grave theft. Because vassal emperors and nobles in historical dynasties liked to bury precious things with them in their graves, making tomb theft one of the fastest ways to get rich at that time.

Jiangsu has an ancient underwater tomb built more than 2,500 years ago, it is said that there are more than 3,000 treasured swords hidden inside, but both ancient tomb thieves and modern experts have to “give up”. “.

It is known that this ancient tomb was built in the year of King Hap Lu, who was the 24th king of the Wu state – a vassal of the Zhou dynasty during the Spring and Autumn period in Chinese history.

Hap Lu (514 BC – 496 BC) is also an extremely famous king in history, reigning for 18 years. Two things that he has done are well known: First, send assassins Chuyen Chu to harm Ngo Lieu, then become king; Second, appointing Ngu Tu Tu as prime minister, Sun Vu as general, defeating Chu state.

Hap Lu’s son, Phu Sai, defeated Gou Jian and also defeated Gou Jian. He inherited the throne from his father, but later died with the destruction of the country.

Phu Sai was very filial to his father. After He Lu’s death, Fu Sai built a grave in Hukou (Suzhou, Jiangsu), which consumed a lot of manpower, money and materials. It is said that Phu Sai has recruited more than 10 million people throughout the country to build this tomb.

Because Hap Lu was very fond of war and martial arts when he was alive, so in addition to gold and jewels, Phu Sai also prepared many more treasures to bury with his father. And that period was the most developed period in the history of sword making. Thus, the tomb of Hap Lu holds countless legendary swords, the number of which is so large that it cannot be counted.

In “Viet Tuyet Thu” it is recorded that Hap Lu’s grave contains all 3,000 treasured swords. However, this cannot be corroborated because the tomb has never been excavated.

The first person who wanted to “touch” the tomb of Hap Lu was Viet Vuong Cau Tien, who caused the Ngo state to perish. From Shandong, he excavated the grave of his lifelong enemy, Fu Sai. But for some unknown reason, Gou Tien could not find Hap Lu’s grave, so he had to return.

In the last years of the Warring States period, another famous emperor also deliberately intruded into the tomb of Hap Lu, which was Qin Shi Huang. It is said that he sent troops to Hukou to set up camp, preparing to go to the grave to rob the treasure, but in the end had to return regretfully because he could not find the entrance.

Later, Xiang Yu heard that in Hap Lu’s tomb containing the universe, he also wanted to steal to establish a great career. But like Qin Shi Huang, Xiang Yu could not break into the tomb. Thus, Hap Lu’s tomb once again escaped the hands of thieves.

Until the years of Minh Vu Tong Chu Hau Chieu of the Ming Dynasty (1491 – 1521), one of the “Jiangnan Four Dai Tai Tu”, Duong Ba Ho, almost caused Hap Lu’s grave to “see the light”.

At that time, To Chau encountered a drought, causing the lake around Hap Lu’s tomb to dry out, revealing the signs of the tomb. Tang Ba Ho immediately called people to prepare to excavate, but did not expect the important moment to be prevented by the government.

In 1955, experts used machines to suck up all the water in the lake, then indeed discovered the writing left by Duong Ba Ho and many other historical celebrities. This proves that Hap Lu tomb really exists. However, the expert said that the artifact should be protected and did not take the next step of excavation.

In 1978, the expert team decided to excavate Hap Lu tomb again. But when the triangular cave door was discovered, something happened. After breaking the door to the cave, the expert discovered that there are 3 huge stones blocking the middle of the path. But above these stones is the Hukou tower – the symbol of Suzhou. After careful consideration, breaking these 3 stones will affect the Hukou tower, so the expert stopped the plan to excavate Hap Lu tomb.

Up to now, Hap Lu tomb still exists completely, but has not been “visited” by people. Experts still have not been able to find a suitable way to enter the grave, which is a great regret for the field of archeology.


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