
Is this a UFO hovering above a West Yorkshire town? Man taking landscape pictures spots mystery object in the sky

Aliens may have travelled from beyond the stars to make first contact – choosing Shipley in West Yorkshire to unveil their existence to humanity.

What appears to be a UFO hovers above the scenic skyline of the town in this picture taken by chance by local man Emil Ziemczonek.

He took some pictures of his local neighbourhood to show to a friend, and it was only when he looked back at the image later that he spotted the eerie sight.

The 24-year-old said: ‘I could clearly see that there was a UFO in the picture.

The residents of a Yorkshire town are seemingly not alone after a saucer-shaped object appeared in the skies above them.

The residents of a Yorkshire town are seemingly not alone after a saucer-shaped object appeared in the skies above them.

‘I didn’t see it when I was taking it, but that’s probably because it was moving so fast at the time.

‘Some people are calling me crazy but I don’t think there’s anything else it could be.’

Mr Ziemczonek, a manufacturer at the nearby Denso plant, was travelling back to his home just after 10am last Sunday October 6, when the flying saucer was also seemingly on the move.

He said: ‘I’ve got a friend coming to visit from London and I wanted to show him how beautiful the landscape is around here.

‘Only something from space looks that strange, it’s not the right size or colour for a bird or a plane.

‘I do believe in UFOs, I have never seen one before but I will certainly be looking out for them all the time from now on.’

Emil Ziemcszonek believes he photographed a UFO in the skies above the town as he took a snap to show a friend the area's natural beautyThe original picture, which Emil claims has not been altered in any way

Emil Ziemcszonek believes he photographed a UFO in the skies above the town as he took a snap to show a friend the area’s natural beauty.

A website called documents UFO sightings and sorts them into different categories and shapes.

The mystery object photographed could fall into one of the most common categories of alien spacecraft.

The site shows pictures similar to the one taken by Mr Ziemczonek and states: ‘Of all known craft, the domed disc is perhaps the most instantly recognisable, and has been portrayed countless times in the media, but in reality the shiny silver disc so often represented is one of its many variants.’

Mr Ziemczonek admits that many suspect that he has altered the picture for effect – a claim he adamantly denies.

‘A lot of people have asked whether something has been done to the picture, but of course not,’ he said.

‘I’m absolutely amazed, and I think it’s interesting to think there could be other life out there.’

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