
UFOs that visit us may actually come from parallel worlds, according to a French Intelligence Officer

Let’s be frank here: it’s ridiculous to believe that UFOs aren’t legitimate. There is a plethora of evidence lying around everywhere you look, and that is a reality.

But now that we know this to be valid, another hypothesis has emerged, suggesting that the UFOs we’ve been seeing for so long are much more important than we previously believed.

These UFOs, according to a brilliant professor called Michael Masters, are our forefathers from the future, who have come to observe us more closely. This would indicate that the UFOs are true time machines, which would be thrilling to say the least.

According to physicist Jack Sarfatti, the “Tic Tac” object found by the US Navy used a metamaterial that could theoretically cause it to pass through time itself. But it isn’t the only explanation floating around at the moment.

Agent Alain Juillet, a former intelligence director at the Fraternity’s General Directorate of External Security, claims the origins of UFOs are inextricably tied to the Parallel World hypothesis.

The proof is in the fact that the infrastructure used to navigate through space in the manner that these devices do is so far beyond our grasp that it could be in the same time zone as time travel technology.

Despite the fact that these are all speculations at the moment, there is ample evidence to support this hypothesis.

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