Mom says son with Angelman Syndrome was ‘meant for us’

“‘I agree with you, I believe there is something neurological going on with your son, and we should refer him to a neurologist right away.’ Words I had…

Mom to son with Goldenhar syndrome says ‘we are more alike than we are different’

“I pushed my son’s wheelchair down the sidewalk with his preschool class, my heart pounding faster and my palms starting to sweat with anxiety. I found myself wishing…

Woman details journey with Long QT syndrome, anxiety, depression

“Hindsight is an interesting thing. It brings up so many what-ifs about one’s childhood. What if I had known the term ‘anxiety’ as a child? What if somebody…

Mom births son with Moebius Syndrome

“On July 4, 2017, my fiancé and I found out we were going to be parents. We were completely ecstatic. Physically, I had the best pregnancy a mom…

Monos mascotas enterrados como niños en el antiguo Egipto

Los arqueólogos polacos han descubierto varios esqueletos de monos que eran mascotas de los antiguos griegos y romanos que vivieron en Egipto en los siglos I y II…

Mom of son with hearing loss, Usher Syndrome shares journey

“We ended up getting genetic testing done on our son, Sawyer, because he failed his newborn hearing screening. ‘It’s probably nothing,’ the nurse reassured. ‘It could just be…

Mom gives birth to son with TAR Syndrome, ‘No arms? No problem!’

“On August 26, 2019, my world stopped. I was 24 weeks pregnant, and I was tired. My OBGYN appointments were starting to become annoying. This was the third…

Mom of daughter with Dravet Syndrome writes children’s book about seizures, ‘I was inspired by my girls’

“My husband, Kyle, and I met and fell in love in Salt Lake City while attending college. We married, and not long after, our daughter, Aurie, was born…

Mom of daughter with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome advocates ‘there CAN be life after diagnosis’

“Hannah is almost 12 years old. She’s inquisitive and full of fun and mischief, and she lights up a room with her smile. Hannah embraces life like no…

The Charlotte Family Was ‘sʜᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ’ To Learn They Were Having Triplets

The mother learned the good news when she went for her ultrasound at the beginning of the first trimester. She and her partner were stunned to find out…

A Woman Who Gave Birth To Triplets After Becoming One Of The UK’s Youngest Surrogates At 21

A WOMAN has become one of the UK’s youngest surrogates at 21-years-old… and she’s just given birth to TRIPLETS. Shaniece Sturdy, from Carshalton, Surrey, first became interested in…

Mum Naturally Gave Birth To Baby So Big She Immediately Fit Into Six-Month-Olds Clothing

She naturally gives birth to a baby so “big” she looks like a 6-month-old baby girl. Becoming a mother is a goal for many women. The arrival of…