The Mystery of Nevada’s Ancient Reptilian Boneyard

Whale-sized shonisaurs dominated the ocean 230 million years ago. A fossil cluster offers a fascinating glimpse at how they lived—based on where they died.COURTESY OF GABRIEL UGUETO/SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE…

13-foot-long ‘Book of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ’ scroll found in ʙuʀιᴀʟ shaft in ᴇԍʏᴘт

Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a cache of treasures—including more than 50 wooden sarcophagi, a funerary temple dedicated to an Old Kingdom queen and a 13-foot-long Book of…

Scientists have recovered the voice of an Egyptian mummy more than 3,000 years old

Using tomography (CT) and 3D printing technology, UK scientists have reconstructed the voice of Nesyamun, an Egyptian mummy more than 3,000 years old. The 3,000-year-old mummy of an…

Off the coast of California, a huge, unusual “phantom jellyfish” was discovered that consumes with its arms

Scientists have discovered a massive “phantom jellyfish” off the coast of California in amazing video captured by a remote submarine in the North Pacific Ocean. A giant jellyfish…

Sharks spotted ‘walking’ on sea floor as underwater cameras reveal fascinating behaviour

A study carried out by the University of Exeter and NGO Beneath the Waves reveals an impressive range of skills nurse sharks use when eating, including ‘pectoral positioning’…

Unknown marine animal called the “baby Loch Ness Monster” was discovered washed up on a UK beach

Images of a bizarre marine monster that was found washed up on a UK beach were shared online, sending social media users into a frenzy. A mysterious creature…

Shocked at Discovery of Dinosaur Tail in Mexican Desert, 72 Million Years Old

NEW ZEALAND (Reuters) – The National Institute for Anthropology and History (INAH) of Mexico said on Monday that a team of archaeologists had found the fossilized remnants of…

The 2,000-Year-Old tomb with “flush toilet and refrigerator” shocked archaeologists

This king’s tomb was said to be lavish and ahead of its time. The cluster of tombs of the Han Luong kings is located in the Chinese national…

La tumba llena de oro del “Rey Exiliado” hace que todos se sientan abrumados

Las excavaciones aún están en marcha después de más de una década, los científicos han recuperado más de 20,000 tesoros diferentes de la tumba del emperador Liυ Xia,…

Los arqueólogos descubren la misteriosa estructura dergroυd en la fortaleza del desierto de Masada

Un equipo de arqueólogos de la Universidad de Tel Aviv se ha retirado a Masada en Israel, después de un paréntesis de 11 años, con el fin de…

El geoglifo gigante de 2000 años de antigüedad de una orca es uno de los primeros en Perú

Un geoglifo gigante de la orca, tallado en una ladera del desierto en la remota región de Palpa, en el sur de Perú, después de haber estado perdido…

Raza aparente de gigantes blancos descrita en leyendas nativas de muchas tribus

Varias tribus nativas de América han transmitido leyendas de una raza de gigantes blancos que fueron eliminados. Echaremos un vistazo a algunas de estas leyendas, incluidas las que…