La vida en el espacio también puede existir en «estrellas fallidas»

Recientemente, un grupo de astrónomos británicos han sugerido que la atmósfera superior de las enanas marrones – objetos subestelares – podría albergar vida, según un artículo publicado en…

An Astronomical First! A Radiation Belt Seen Outside the Solar System

In 1958, the first satellites launched by the United States (Explorer 1 and 3) detected a massive radiation belt around planet Earth. This confirmed something that many scientists suspected before…

500,000-year-old ivory weighing 150kg discovered in Israel

The 2.6-meter-loпg ivory beloпgs to the ѕtгаіɡһt-tυsked elephaпt, a massive aпimal that weпt extiпct aboυt 500,000 years ago.The Israel Aпtiqυities Aυthority (IAA) oп Aυgυst 31 гeⱱeаɩed a гагe…

Archaeologists find a completely preserved cave bear that dates back 39,500 years in the Sbernian Permafrost.

A grouр of ѕcientiѕtѕ аnd іvory trаders embаrked on а рerilous journey to а remote сluster of Sіberіan іslands ѕituated fаr beyond the Arсtiс Cіrcle. Undeterred by the…

The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China at The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

“The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China” is an exhibition currently being held at The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. The exhibition showcases 250 treasures made of…

Roswell Eyewitnesses Reveals That “There Was a Fourth Grey Alien and He Was Alive”

A large number of stories revolving around extraterrestrials have surfaced on the internet lately. However, the Roswell crash is the most famous, controversial, and credible one so far….

Where Is the Great Pyramid of Egypt’s Missing Capstone?

There are numerous mysteries surrounding Giza’s Great Pyramid. However, experts are baffled by one. The question is: Why is there no stone on the Great Pyramid’s top? This…

Black hole bombshell: 50-year-old theory PROVES how aliens could exploit a black hole

BLACK HOLES really could be harnessed by advanced alien civilisations, according to a theory been proven for the first time. The 50-year-old theory started as speculation about how…

U.S. General Doesn’t Rule Out Aliens After Military Shoots Down Unidentified Objects

“I’m not gonna categorize them as balloons,” said Gen. Glen VanHerck, commander of NORAD. “We’re calling them ‘objects’ for a reason.” The U.S. military shot down another unidentified object on Sunday, the…

A Mighty Martian River? Latest Astonishing Discovery by NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover

Scientists think that these bands of rocks may have been formed by a very fast, deep river – the first of its kind evidence has been found for…

Dakotaraptor steini: Giant, Feathered Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur Discovered in South Dakota

Paleontologists have discovered what they say is a new giant raptor that lived in what is now South Dakota during the Maastrichtian stage of the Upper Cretaceous, approximately…

More than 80 ancient coffins are discovered at the Saqqara necropolis in Egypt

Egypt has unearthed another trove of ancient coffins in the vast Saqqara necropolis south of Cairo, announcing the discovery of more than 80 sarcophagi. The Tourism and Antiquities Ministry…