Consider the 1,400-year-old city that was 40 meters under the surface!

Beneath the calм waters of Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang Proʋince, China are the мysterious ruins of two ancient cities lost under water, dating Ƅack to the Han and…

Un planeta vagabundo, del tamaño de la Tierra, descubierto en la Vía Láctea

Un planeta vagabundo del tamaño de la Tierra descubierto en la Vía Láctea Nuestra galaxia puede estar repleta de planetas deshonestos, gravitacionalmente libres de cualquier estrella. Un equipo internacional de…

New Study Suggests Rapid Canine Growth in Saber-Toothed Cats

A new study reported in the journal PLoS ONE shows that the teeth of the fearsome saber-toothed cat (Smilodon fatalis) fully emerged later in life than those of modern big cats,…

What would aliens learn if they observed the Earth?

Are we alone in the universe? It’s a question that fascinates scientists and the public alike. In science, the focus tends to be on our search for life…

Victoriapithecus: Paleontologists Visualize Brain of 15-M-Year-Old Monkey

According to an international team of scientists, the ancient monkey, known as Victoriapithecus, had tiny but remarkably wrinkled brain. Brain of Victoriapithecus macinessi visualized for the first time using high-resolution X-ray…

Alien study: Six BILLION Earth-like planets could exist in galaxy as alien search expanded

ALIENS could be more commonplace in the Milky Way than previously thought as researchers discover as many as six billion Earth-like planets could exist in the galaxy, according…

At The Bottom Of Lake Baikal, 1,600 Tons Of Enigmatic Gold Were Buried, But No One Dared To Remove It

Α hυge treasυre coпsistiпg of 1,600 toпs of gold is said to haʋe reмaiпed dorмaпt for hυпdreds of years at the Ƅottoм of Lake Baikal like a great…

Cosmic Tidal Wave: Star Creation in the Tendrils of the Jellyfish Galaxy JW39

The Jellyfish galaxy JW39, located in a hostile galaxy cluster, is exposed to intense gravitational forces and a hot plasma known as the intracluster medium. These conditions strip JW39 of…

Remember Those Impossibly Massive Galaxies? They May Be Even More Massive

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was designed to probe the mysteries of the Universe, not the least of which is what the first galaxies looked like. These…

Cosmic Clockwork: The Outer Space Origin of Ice Age Cycles

A team of researchers, including climatologists and an astronomer, has utilized an enhanced computer model to recreate the ice age cycles that occurred between 1.6 and 1.2 million…

Is This The Ancient City of Atlantis? This Strange uɴᴅᴇʀwᴀтᴇʀ City Was Recently Discovered in Cuba

This discovery was made back in 2001 as experts Pauline Zalitzki and her husband Paul Weinzweig reported having come across what appears to be a massive submerged city…

Gold rush: massive amounts of gold and diamonds discovered in Klondike River.

Introducing our latest video that brings you the exciting news of a major discovery in the Klondike River. The video captures the thrill of the gold rush as huge amounts of…