Mom to son with Down Syndrome urges ‘all babies are beautiful’

“Perfection is not dependent on how many chromosomes you have. Beauty is not dependent on how many chromosomes you have. Health is not dependent on how many chromosomes…

Mom has surprise baby with Down syndrome, ‘Life looks a lot different now than it did 5 years ago’

Foundations Of Kindness “I was raised in a very strict home. We had tight boundaries and were expected to be our best versions of ourselves, everywhere we went….

Woman encouraged to terminate baby with down syndrome, ‘We can’t control what our lives will bring us’

“I wasn’t ready for children when my husband was VERY ready. Pregnancy seems to come easy for us. Once we decided to have a baby, I conceived right…

Child abuse survivor, chronic illness warrior births child with down syndrome, ‘I WILL be the mother my kids deserve’

“Growing up, I did pageants and country clogging. I quit around age 7 and ended up breaking my first bone. I broke over 20 bones by the time…

Nephew of late uncle with Down syndrome shares his journey, ‘I always knew Kelly’s life mattered’

“I want to share with you someone who was a very important part of my life. He was my uncle Kelly (Kelly Owen Burk). Kelly was born with…

Mom births son with Down syndrome, ‘I am so thankful for his perfect 47 chromosomes’

“My husband, Alex, and I got married at age 23 and moved across the country from our families so he could start pilot training in the Air Force….

Couple’s last baby born with Down syndrome, ‘Our precious bonus child is a gift’

“‘They think he has Down syndrome.’ The words washed over me. I was trying desperately to bring my medicated brain into reality. This couldn’t be real, right? This…

Mom births baby with Down syndrome who has open heart surgery, ‘I’ll spend the rest of my life shouting his worth from the rooftops’

“My memories of the hours after my son Henry was born are foggy. There were a lot of complications following his birth and I lost a substantial amount…

Down syndrome is the best thing to ever happen to our family

“I always thought I would get married, have kids, and have a lovely, but ordinary life. But, by the time I turned 30, nothing had really worked out…

Woman gives birth to high risk baby with Down syndrome, ‘She defies all odds’

“I can still remember the scene clearly, as if it was yesterday. We had just gotten done with our ultrasound and the doctor had come in to talk…

Mom describes having a baby with Down syndrome, ‘I would choose him again and again’

“I remember the first pang of worry I got when I was pregnant with JJ. It was around 11 weeks and I had spent the entire morning staring…

20 Vintage Girl Names That Evoke All The Love You Feel For Your Baby

Filled with hope, every mother wants her little princess to grow into a strong and confident individual. They say that there is no greater love than that of…