
Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Unless you’ve been locked out, you won’t understand the sheer panic that takes over your body. Your soul drops straight down into the pits of hell to get a little bit of sizzle while you’re sat there with no means of getting back into your home. It’s a blessing if you can still see the key or know of its whereabouts, as it gives a miniscule glimmer of hope that you’ll be sleeping in your own bed rather than a neighbor’s.

A family found themselves in this very particular situation, when a child decided to show some house keys a good time by shoving them down a random hole. After futile attempts to retrieve them, an unexpected hero came to the rescue. I think you already know who it is. It’s not Batman, not Superman, but an ever-dashing neighborhood feline.

Before we dive into the story, dear readers, let me know if you’ve ever had the pleasure of finding a way back into your home after losing your keys in a silly manner. I know I have – never again! Upvote the story, follow the author, and have a good time!

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Luh Meira and her two-year-old son were hanging out in front of their apartment complex in Brazil, when the boy noticed their shiny house keys

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

Throwing things, misplacing things, shoving things where they don’t belong can be very satisfying until you’re dealing with the consequences of such actions. This lesson was very much taught one day, when Luh Meira and her two-year-old son were hanging out in front of their apartment complex in Brazil.

The sunbathing mother didn’t notice when or how, but the boy noticed their house keys. The jingle jangle, accompanied by a variety of textures and a little toy charm would interest anyone, especially a child. He took them and decided to explore. Unfortunately, when the boy noticed a tiny hole that had formed near a walkway, he put two and two together and dropped the keys down it.

He grabbed them, and after finding a tiny hole near a walkway, he put two and two together and dropped the keys inside

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

All fun and games ‘til the hole proved too deep and too narrow to get the keys back. The family were left stranded outside. Luh tried her best to retrieve them, trying to pry them out with a small metal bar she’d found nearby. Luckily, a neighbor noticed their plight and came to help. The neighbor was no other than a black cat, named Pantera.

The cat, thinking they were playing a little game, joined in the fun, attracted to the glimmer in the hole and the humans’ efforts. “He was already there playing in the grass and then he came and started putting his paw in,” she told Amomeupet.

Luh tried to collaborate with the feline, but he didn’t seem to appreciate the help, biting and pawing at the metal bar. Thus, the woman retreated, observing the hilarious sight of the cat diving its slender legs into the hole.

The hole proved too deep and narrow, leaving the family stranded outside. Luckily, a friendly neighborhood cat, named Pantera, came to help

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

The cat, thinking they were playing a little game, joined in the fun, but a glimmer of hope shone through as the cat was pulling the keys up

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

It was funny up until she saw the cat actually pulling the keys up. “Catch it kitten, catch it!” Luh said excitedly. After a few tries and lots of encouragement from Luh and her son, Pantera got the keys high enough for the woman to grab them. “If I didn’t film it, no one would believe it,” Luh told The Dodo. “I was surprised, because I thought he put his paw in the hole just to play, but his intention was to really get the keys. I was super happy.”

As a reward, the smart cat received a new toy and treats, both of which the cat seems to be enjoying. But the feline got something even more special, too. “He won my love,” Luh said. “I was already in love with cats, but now there’s no question.”

After a few tries and lots of encouragement from Luh and her son, the cat pulled the keys just high enough for the woman to grab them. Pantera became a hero

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

She shared their little adventure with the world via TikTok, and the video went viral with over 8.1M views. “And they say that a black cat is bad luck,” Luh wrote in the caption. “It was very quick for him to get the key, it was in a matter of seconds,” she told Amomeupet. “I believe in 20 seconds he got that key.”

Now, what should you do if you find yourself in a similar situation? Try and find a neighboring cat? It may or may not work, especially depending on where the keys are in the first place. A shallow hole in the sidewalk is not necessarily the same as an elevator shaft or a sewage drain – or, if you’re feeling more adventurous, a volcano or the bottom of the ocean.

As a reward, the smart cat received a new toy and treats, as well as something very special: “He won my love,” Luh said

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: luhmeira7

Either you take an incredibly speedy course in lockpicking or call for help, because I’m sure you won’t have a strong magnet and piece of string on hand to get your metal keys back, as it’s often depicted in film and the media. But hey, if you happen to have your wallet with you, it’s not a bad shot! Just tie the first magnet to some string and, with the help of a flashlight, find the key. Then get a second magnet (preferably a telescopic one) to drag the keys out of the shallow space.

Obviously, observe the potential risks first. Never attempt to retrieve lost items from the “pit” of an elevator shaft unless you have the proper tools and training. Is whatever you lost worth losing a limb or your life? Instead, call the building maintenance person or speak to someone at the admin desk (if there is one).

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: luhmeira7

If you drop your keys in a storm drain and you want to get them back (maybe you don’t, who knows… could be your cheating ex-husband’s house keys or something. You do you!), you should call the local council or water authority responsible for the drain in question. As drains are part of the public sewer system, you’ll need permission before you can go any further with your retrieval process, which can cost quite a lot of money.

Drainage and emergency plumbing companies may be able to assist you as well! If you want a trip to the A&E, you can try getting them out yourself, though I doubt that would be ideal. How about you just get a massive keychain that will stop the keys slipping into narrow spaces?

Silly things happen and kids will be kids. It’s all a part of learning but we love a happy ending!

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Image credits: Luh Meira

We are glad that things turned out so well for Luh and her family and that Pantera is getting all the pampering and love he deserves. Things happen and kids will be kids, but to all those in the same situation – I wish you the best and hope that you film and share your ordeal!

You can watch the full video here

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and make sure to answer the question posed right at the start of the article: have you ever been locked out, what did you do? Otherwise, I wish you all the best!

Millions of people enjoyed their adventure, loving on the smart kitten. Let us know your thoughts in the comments and tell us – have you ever been locked out?

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

Millions Of People Rejoice At Hilarious Video Of Cat Rescuing House Keys From Hole

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